Images of all our currently-existing Study-Aid booklets for Asia
(as both PDF ebooks & PDF print-patterns) have already been posted here
now, as of this update-day of March 31, 2023... with all the Bible verses
written out for online-reading & print-out purposes... in several
different Asian languages. Hallelu-YAH! Praise Jesus!
We started initially with Hebrew (for Israel) and Japanese (for the nation
of Japan), but today we can show you a lot more Asian-language versions...
free for online-reading & easy paper-booklet print-outs... all now very
accessible with hyper-links... via this one centralized net-site...
that is right here before your eyes at this very moment...!
We have already added cover-pictures & jump-links for the many bi-lingual
versions that are to be found at our many other Asia-aimed sites...!
We are right here and now, already... at this site... ever since March 31, 2023...
giving you a rather good view of the many different bi-lingual versions currently available
from our long-established free digital-booklets service...! It's an evangelism-tracts ministry
which we have maintained for a little more than 30 years now...! During these last 3
decades, we may have become somewhat accustomed to referring to this huge network
of Christian evangelism-sites as being simply... the "Jesus Christ Information Net"...
and also, rightfully... we like to call it our dedicated "Jesus Information Net"...!
Also, to use again one of my own favorite and so-often used descriptive phrases... I must admit
that for many years now, I have liked to think of this widespread, global internet-evangelism ministry as
a long-time manifestation of "the Jesus Christ International Net"...! It exists still as yet one more NET
that Jesus Christ can use to NET more human beings, capturing them in His gigantic fishing-net... yes,
the one that is draped over the whole Earth, it seems... in accord with His long-time desire to have
many of us Christians be successfully turned into hard-working and productive "fishers of men."
Our creative concept and plan of action has worked out rather well for us, and for unsaved
masses of the Earth too, I hope, over the long stretch of these many years. We have managed to
carry out this global outreach and evangelism-tract ministry through the consistent (and also
persistent) use of not only paper-printed tract booklets, but also the long-time employment of...
a more "new-fangled" device that is the computerized Internet, once called "the World Wide Web"
and a great many "digital tracts"... what we have for decades now been calling our "e-tracts"
(or "etracts"), a term that we here employ to reference both "electronic-tracts" and our
recognition of the wonderful worldwide-evangelism potential of the Internet.
Like many other Christian evangelism ministries, we have pulled this off for 3 decades
with only a very modest number of personal expenditures... and have seen some noteworthy
successes, even without spending any great deal of our personal income... via the wonderful
and long-lasting global outreach of the internet & our many dedicated sites. The internet
itself is a system of connecting computers globally for communication purposes... and one
that benefits the aims of many other evangelism ministries likewise. It's ALWAYS going
to be international in scope and outreach, of course, by its very nature. So we like to think
we are having a bit of success with it... over the long progress of the many years we
have been spending on it. A big work accomplished, not done in vain-- thanks to the
help of our Heavenly Father! By the grace of Almighty YHWH God in Heaven, Amen...!
By our long-time, incessant-and-persistent existence on "the 'Net," with the almost
inescapable visibility of this extreme proliferation of internet sites which we maintain,
we have had some success in reaching out to a number of countries in this world... and
particularly, a number of the nations in Asia. Our many net-sites are now everywhere
and these can be viewed daily by almost everybody... all over Planet Earth.
These "net-sites," as I often call them... offer our world a very nice display of a big
and still-existing network of embedded "net-sites" that we have been maintaining for a
great many years now. It got started as an internet presence about 30 years ago. So now
surely, we can very rightfully, reasonably... call it our "Jesus Christ International Net."
This reflects my goal and my aspiration in choosing the first 2 domain-names I ever
started renting... now decades ago! The ambitious names of my first-ever personal
"net-sites" were... "" & ""...!
It's been around for many years now! And Hallelu-YAH to our Lord and
King, Jesus Christ, for that long-time stability of its existence...!
There are right now Hebrew, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Nepali, Hindi, Tamil,
Sinhalese, Burmese, and Thai versions that are currently-available for free
online-reading at our sites... and for free paper-booklet print-out
purposes in small-group Bible-study sessions likewise...!
You can even print-them out in very large numbers (for very LARGE-GROUP
Bible-study lessons) likewise... if you desire to do that... using these free materials
for a big evangelism-effort in any of the many language-supported nations
that are currently existing all over the vast continent of Asia!
It's a vastly expansive continent that reaches all the way from the nation
of Israel... to the far-distant nation of Korea... of Japan... and it even
reaches on out to the independent and free nation which is Taiwan!
Time is short. The hour is late. The harvest fields are much in need of workers
to bring in the final harvest. And we should know with certainty that King Jesus Christ
must be coming back soon... to judge all the human population of this ancient
planet Earth... and to rule over the final population of the New Earth!
Be there to see it...! Be able to view all the wonderful sights of His paradisical
New Earth... and don't miss your only real opportunity to have Eternal Life with
God Almighty YHWH & His Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ... to be a passenger
aboard the last big ark (the final "escape boat") which will be going out from
this embattled, degenerating... and soon-gone Old Planet Earth...!
Don't miss the Shalom of Eternal Life with Jesus in His New Earth that
is yet to come...! See the Rebuilt Paradise that awaits believers in the
long-dreamed, always-desired Eden that is yet to come...!

New Study-Aid booklets (as both PDF ebooks & PDF print-patterns)
are being posted here on March 31, 2023, with all the Bible verses written out in
several different Asian languages, starting with Hebrew (for Israel) and Japanese.
Chinese and Korean versions will be here soon ...! Click the pictures
below to open each PDF ebook in a new window...!
New Study-Aid booklets (as both PDF ebooks & PDF print-patterns), all of which are intended
to supplement our three main e-tract titles -- as so often displayed for this & all our other sites...
are being posted here on March 8, 2023...! These new Study-Aid ebooks, as you can see below,
will let you read all the relevant Bible quotes in the HEBREW language (for Israel, and for Jews
& Christians in other nations too) in connection with all our 3 main display-tracts...
as they are shown here and elsewhere, in many places on the internet...!
-- You can CLICK ON any of the pictures that are found directly below in order to
make each individual PDF-ebook open up for reading in a new window...!
New Study-Aid booklets (as both PDF ebooks & PDF print-patterns), all of which are intended
intended to supplement our three main e-tract titles -- as so often displayed for this & all our other sites...
are being posted here on March 8, 2023...! These new Study-Aid ebooks, as you can see below,
will let you read all the relevant Bible quotes in the JAPANESE language (for Japan, and for any
Japanese people living in other nations too) in connection with all our 3 main display-tracts...
as they are shown here and elsewhere, in many places on the internet...!
-- You can CLICK ON any of the pictures that are found directly below in order to
make each individual PDF-ebook open up for reading in a new window...!
New Study-Aid booklets (as both PDF ebooks & PDF print-patterns)
are being posted here in March 2023, with all the Bible verses written out in
several different Asian languages, starting with Hebrew (for Israel) and Japanese.
Chinese and Korean versions will be here soon ...! Click the pictures
below to open each PDF ebook in a new window...!
Links to all our currently-existing bi-lingual, country-specific Lesson Tract booklets &
to all of our many free bi-lingual Study-Aid booklets... for these various countries
of Asia, have now been added here and are now ACTIVE & working,
at this particular site, as of this update-day of March 31, 2023...!
We now have the bi-lingual booklet links (all of those -- so many of them!} ... finally
finished & up & working properly -- or "fully operational," as people often like
to say... for your personal convenience...!
-- You can CLICK ON any of the pictures that are found directly below in order to make each
individual PDF-ebook or its source-site open up for viewing in a new window or tab...!
For the MATCHING English-Only booklet links and downloads... you'll still have to
go directly to our many other net-sites (via hyper-links at the top of this page,
perhaps). But you can download the English-Only version there too, of course,
via those other country-specific net-sites that still exist in great number!
These links to materials on all the many other sites of our Jesus Information Net...
have now been posted here for all currently-existing bi-lingual PDF ebooks of our
made-for-Asia e-tracts... for not only the 3 Main Display lesson booklets, of course,
but also for the Study-Aid booklets & for the PDF print-patterns, likewise...
with many language-variations now available from our Asia sites.
These may sometimes be convenient to use, in paper-booklet form... or even in digital
online-text form... if you happen to be an ESL teacher who is living in the US or Britain
or Australia... or some Asian country perhaps, and maybe a couple of the students
in your Bible-study group happen to have yet another spoken-language
as his/her primary spoken-language.
All of the language-variations in the Study-Aid booklets and even in the interior
of the 3 Main Display Lesson booklets are intended, of course, to be helpful for
any English-As-A-Second-Lanuage teacher who is living in a distant country,
and who may find that his English Bible-study class is a rather diverse group,
containing students who are originally from more than one single country.
All these can thereby help to supplement our three main e-tract titles -- as so often displayed
everywhere, for all the world to see on this net-site & all our other internet sites...!
For the MATCHING English-Only booklet links and downloads... you'll still have to
go directly to our many other net-sites (via hyper-links at the top of this page,
perhaps). But you can download the English-Only version there too, of course,
via those other country-specific net-sites that still exist in great number!

These new Study-Aid ebooks, as you can see in the red boxes, will let you read all
the relevant Bible quotes in many different Asian languages... when they are
used in connection with all our 3 main display-tracts... as they are shown
here and elsewhere, in many places on the internet...!
... And in this box which is BELOW, you will find dozens of link-pics that will allow you to
download any of the matching PDF print-pattern ebooks... just in case you may happen
to prefer using paper-booklet lesson-materials... instead of online e-booklets... with
that group of students who may comprise your English Bible-study class...!
-- You can CLICK ON any of the pictures that are found directly below in order to
make each individual PDF-ebook open up for reading in a new window...!
New Study-Aid booklets in Hebrew & Japanese (as both PDF ebooks
& PDF print-patterns) were posted here on March 16, 2023... with more additions
also posted here on March 31, 2023-- with all the Bible verses being written
out in several different Asian languages... starting with Hebrew (for Israel)
and Japanese (for the people of the many islands of Japan)...!.
The Chinese and Korean versions, Japanese and Sinhalese, Hindi and Tamil,
Nepali and Thai versions likewise... are now already posted for you as well...
as of this current date of the March 31, 2023 site update...!
You can now click on any of the link-pictures visible below to open up
each individual PDF-ebook or site-source in a new window or tab...!
This Asia-based, 12-booklets series was one that I had originally conceived &
envisioned with an "Earth-Trekker" theme, and as a travels-memoir of sorts, one
in the form of several short-text booklets that could be combined with evangelism
material in a slightly-chronological order... one that would match up, roughly,
in order with the sequence of my own long-ago travels in Nepal, in India...
and it would finally end up down in Sri Lanka. Or so I at first thought.
I conceived and created the first 10 books of this series rather quickly,
mostly in 2005-2008. Then a couple more were finished up in 2010-2011.
But then I got distracted by other lifetime matters... and after 2011,
I somehow never quite got around to finishing up #11 (about Sri Lanka)...
nor #12 (about my arrival on Guam)... Guam being a Pacific Island where I would
next be living & working for 5 years... from 1980 till the summer of 1985.
Well, I only got as far as a 10-booklets series at that time, which
is intended to take the reader along with me as I am remembering
Nepal and India situations in short booklets. I'm planning to post
here a longer, updated edition of these 10 very soon, if all goes
well... to replace these below that are from 2010 and 20ll.
If I can stay healthy for another year or so, I'm also hoping in
this current year of 2023 to eventually add the long-planned booklet
in which "the Earth-Trekker" (me, of course) finally gets down to
Sri Lanka and has a memorable meeting with Arthur C. Clarke...
a world-famous atheist and enthusiastic propagandist for the
false-religion that is Evolutionism. That meeting could probably be
squeezed into the 11th (projected) booklet, aimed at the nation
of Sri Lanka... at least briefly, in some form.
A 12th (and final) booklet for this series could possibly be
created also, based on my own memories of my arrival on the
island of GUAM in May 1979, and of how I had finally rejected
my former thoughts as a victim of Evolutionists' propaganda &
teachings... and likewise some related "New Age" ideas that I
had picked up & absorbed from my environment during the 5 years
between the years 1974 and 1979... when I was a very much
younger world-traveler...!
And this 12th booklet would show me (the Earth-Trekker)
having finally prayed, in repentance, to Jesus Christ for
his salvation... rejecting all Evolutionism and the nonsense
of New Age concepts... to become at last a Bible-believing
Creationist... and a genuine follower of Jesus Christ.
That happened as I sat in one secluded study-carrel and prayed a prayed
silently in repentance to God... while I was situated in a public library
that was located in the capital city of Agana, Guam... on June 16, 1980...
when I was still 29.
A month and a half later, as a newly saved, Bible-believing
Christian Creationist... and a very enthusiastic believer
indeed... one who now fully believed all the many prophecies of
Daniel & the Old Testament prophets & Jesus & Peter & Paul & John
concerning the ultimate future of the embattled Planet Earth...
I had finally turned 30-years old.

Click any of the picture-links in each of the red boxes (the ones above
& the next red box too)... the one that's found below... in order to open up
each of the many PDF ebook-links in a new window or tab...!
The picture-links in the next red box, directtly below, will let you see & read all
10 of the VERY OLD... shorter-text versions of the ENGLISH-ONLY digital
e-booklets that I first posted on our site...
long ago... way back in the earlier years of 2010 and 2011...!
New Tamil and Hindi language tract-booklets (ebooks) were posted here on April 8, 2018...!
Click the picture below to open the PDF ebook (etract) in a new window...!
You can print your own TAMIL booklets on letter-size paper
using any printer that can do double-sided page printing!
Maybe you can use the computer-attached printer that is already right there
inside your church or inside your home! Or maybe you can use one
there inside the library!
Click the picture below to open the TAMIL booklet printing-pattern
in a new window and then print on paper from the PDF file!
You can print your own HINDI booklets on letter-size paper
using any printer that can do double-sided page printing!
Maybe you can use the computer-attached printer that is already right there
inside your church or inside your home! Or maybe you can use one
there inside the library!
Click the picture below to open the HINDI booklet printing-pattern
in a new window and then print on paper from the PDF file!
Click the pictures below to read each booklet as an HTML Indic language slideshow message!
(5 in Tamil language, 1 in Malayalam language, 3 in English are slideshows below)
<< Click the booklet's cover picture [above] to read this message, now in India's TAMIL language! >>
-- You can read the TAMIL translation of "The Temple Of Miraculous Fire" online, here and now! --
<< Click the booklet's cover picture [above] to read this message, now in India's MALAYALAM language! >>
-- You can read the MALAYALAM translation of "The Temple Of Miraculous Fire" online, here and now! --
<< Click the booklet's cover picture [above] to read this message, now in India's TAMIL language! >>
-- You can read the TAMIL translation of "Will I Be Reborn From The Ashes?" online, here and now! --
<< Click the booklet's cover picture [above] to read this message, now in India's TAMIL language! >>
-- You can read the TAMIL translation of "Do You Aim To Be... Burnt Dust In A Black Sky?" online, here and now! --
<< Click the booklet's cover picture [above] to read this message, now in India's TAMIL language! >>
-- You can read the TAMIL translation of "The Second Birth And The Second Death" online, here and now! --
<< Click the booklet's cover picture [above] to read this message, now in India's TAMIL language! >>
-- You can read the TAMIL translation of "A Building More Glorious Than The Taj Mahal" online, here and now! --
<< Click the booklets' covers [above] to read the first 3 messages as colorful English language slideshows! >>
Now you can read online & share with others a great many Christian evangelism booklets written by Ken Street and translated by the R. K. Street Tracts League of India -- with 10 already translated into 4 Indic languages and published by India's Mass Media Gospel Mission. Translations into Tamil, Malayalam, Telugu, and Hindi have already been made and will be freely available here. Our own Korean translations will be found here too. Two Nepali translations and a Burmese and a Mizo translation will be coming soon. And it's all free. They are all put online in South Asian, Southeast Asian, and East Asian languages for your study... to lead you and other people to an enlightenment in Jesus Christ. More than 85 free evangelism messages suitable both for those persons who are lost in "a sea of troubles" and for those persons who are "Fishers of Men!"
Study these Christian messages, learn wisdom from Jesus, and share God's Truth with other people! Help Jesus catch fish for His worldwide net, so that they will ultimately live to see the Kingdom of God! Or just get help for yourself, the help you need. Put all this to good use; it's all part of a new Way station called And please remember: Jesus walks softly and carries a big net.
Jesus Walks Softly With A Big Net, But With A Big Stick Too!
Version1b, Oct. 26, 2006. Copyright 2006 by Roddy Kenneth Street, Jr.
Street Tracts International - excerpt from a tract in the Truth For East Asia series
Here's a surprising fact that you maybe haven't ever realized: Did you know that Jesus fishes? He still fishes, even today, even in our modern world. Yes, indeed! He walks softly and carries a Big Net!
Jesus was once in human form as a humble carpenter on our planet Earth, but today He is a lot more like a fisherman who is casting out a worldwide net!
If you are a borderline nut-case in need of medical help, you can be glad that Jesus is the One Who is after you with a net, instead of those guys in the white coats, who chase people with another kind of net.
On the other hand, if you are simply a stubborn jackass or a stiff-necked idiot, God may instead surprise you by walking up softly and walloping you in the head with a big stick! Or He may even hit you in the head with a 2" x 4" board, in order to get the jackass finally moving in the right direction. That usually happens only when you are a really sinful unbeliever or "a lazy and worthless servant." You really need to start giving Him your full attention!
I know what you're thinking. Jesus probably learned that little trick with the 2" x 4" board during his early years, back when He was just a humble carpenter in Israel! Maybe so!
Here's an explanation and elaboration of our humor, made for everybody, but especially for people in foreign countries who don't quite understand the humor of the above paragraphs!
You will recall that Teddy Roosevelt once advised that a person should "walk softly and carry a big stick." I think maybe God has a stick too... a rather long one that he uses to wake up people who keep falling asleep every time they listen to a sermon! Sometimes God may have to tap you on the top of your head rather forcefully, just in order to get your attention-- to get you to wake up and see the real world.
Now, how can I say that Jesus walks softly with a Big Net, but that He also, at the same time, "walks softly and carries a Big Stick"...? It's like this: Jesus is not only trying to catch a lot of fish-- He is also gathering a lot of sheep, and He's trying to lead these very dumb animals toward the safety of Heaven!
God can take a few fishes (a group of Christian believers) and some bread (the Word of God, the True Manna from Heaven) and with these, through Jesus Christ, He works a great miracle. God takes these few fishes and not only multiplies them but transforms them. The (human) fishes that Jesus seeks to catch are soon transformed into sheep that seek to follow after Him. We follow our Good Shepherd in the path as He leads us. As we do so, amazingly, we start to resemble-- just a little bit-- the wonderful Lamb of God!
But sheep are really stupid animals, and that's why Jesus carries not only a Big Net but a Big Stick.
In fact, the Bible tells us in Zechariah 11:7 that our Good Shepherd carries 2 staves (long wooden rods) very similar to the ones carried by ancient shepherds two thousand years ago. A shepherd then had one staff used to fight off wild animals, and another that was used to guide the sheep carefully through tight spots and difficult places. Zechariah says that our Good Shepherd has one staff named "Beauty" (or "Grace") and another called "Bands." It looks to me like He must use the first staff to fight off devils and dark forces that seek to steal/kill His sheep. The other stick, "Bands," is the one He uses to guide stupid sheep through the difficult places in our lives. That's the one that He uses to hit you on the head occasionally.
It helps you to keep going in the right direction, to stay on the path. It helps Him prod us so that we keep moving in the direction of Heaven, that safe pasture that is waiting for us at the end of our lives.
I'd say that when Jesus is leading a bunch of stupid sheep (often-erring Christians), it's a bit like a human being trying to ride a stubborn jackass. The donkey just doesn't want to go where it's supposed to go... and neither do His stupid sheep. That's where the Big Stick comes in mighty handy.
You see, Jesus expects of us that we help Him catch a lot of fish, whether it's by hook or by rook or by nook! He wants us to become fruitful trees in His Garden. He can use a former crook, or even a former snook... if He can just get you to pay attention! He's always after the big catch-- whether it's a full net, loaded up with a big catch of "153 fishes"... or a giant pen filled with a lot of rescued sheep that were saved from death just in the nick of time... or the many millions of people He can gather in through a system called the World Wide Net.
Jesus fishes with a big net. He knows the right spot to throw a net... just exactly where all the fish are hiding. So should we. You can get an awesome catch that way. You can get a big haul of fish and surprise yourself! You can catch a lot more than you will ever get by quietly sitting with an old fishing pole, by just waiting around for hours with a single fishing line dropped in the water... but, sadly, in the wrong spot. So I guess we'd all better get busy doing as He commanded...
<< Click the booklets' covers [above] to read the first 3 messages as colorful English language slideshows! >>
-- Read 3 more of the South Asia booklets (in English) with more links below -- more links are below! -- has links to more than 85 free Street Tracts and other good stuff!
Our is fishing with a net that catches some BIG fish!
A worldwide Jesus net is pulling in its catch!
E-mail for and R. K. Street, Jr.
Watch and hear "The Jesus Film" in the Hindi language! Free online movie-- click a picture below to start the video!
Our AUDIO-VISUAL BIBLE (KJV) IS ONLINE FOR FREE USE... And Right On This Page, Via FCBH Net Technology,
You Will Find CRUCIAL INFO For All Truth-Seekers In 34 Vital Question-Answer Items Posted Here:
+ More CRUCIAL INFO For Bible-Believers In Over 23 Vital Quote-Sections Posted Here:
Questions and Answers About the King of the Universe
Download the complete audio New Testament MP3s in any of more than 400 languages (and it's free)
if you just go to and get the FREE DOWNLOADS !
Since it is giving away free New Testament audio Bibles in more than 400 languages,
we here at highly recommend it and think
that is
You can use the wonderful and magnificent FCBH Bible Player below to HEAR
A STREAMING AUDIO BIBLE-- that means EVERY FCBH Audio Bible, amazingly--
while you are still here on our site's page..! You can listen to entire chapters, or
entire Bible books, and even COMPLETE New Testament Audio Bibles, in more than
400 languages... RIGHT HERE on this site, without ever leaving this page !
You can stream even a couple of complete (English) Old Testament Audio Bibles also.
All streaming to you right here. Dramatized Audio Bibles & so many languages!
Amazing. No downloading time necessary. Tap the source of all wisdom...
hear God's own history of the world come alive in dramatized audio..!
This is miraculous-- a real gift from God-- you've got to try it !
Just choose from the drop-down list below & start it--
the streaming audio comes forth immediately !
FCBH Audio Bibles Streaming Player - Complete New Testament Streaming...
Bible Passage/Message Of The Day from Street Tracts Int. Mission
& the Jesus Information Network :
1 - KJV AUDIO - 2 - KJV - 3 - KJV - 4 - KJV - 5 - KJV
6 - KJV - 7 - KJV - 8 - KJV - 9 - KJV - 10 - KJV - 11 - KJV - 12 - KJV !
Awesome new material WITH AUDIO at,,,,, etc !
Prophetic Warning/Alarm Of The Day from Street Tracts Int. Mission
& the Jesus Information Network :
Click the pictures above to read each tract as an HTML slideshow! has links to more than 90 free Street Tracts and other good stuff! GO THERE!
Our is fishing with a net that catches some BIG fish!
A worldwide Jesus net is pulling in its catch!
E-mail for and R. K. Street, Jr.
The site -- here you can gain a better understanding
of God's Developmental Plan for our vast Universe, perhaps finally
grasping the Biblical Scheme of Earth's History and Direction. Here you can even find a new form
of long-term vision and divine insight, perhaps, as you consider for a while
the great and unchanging truths of the Holy Scriptures of the Christian Bible -- as you listen
to the words of Jesus Christ, the Word of God, and as you peer
for a short while through the awesome Total View
perspective of Jesus Christ. It's a viewpoint that you can fully
appreciate only through divine grace... because that view is only possible
with the eyes of Jesus, via a blessing of His Holy Spirit...
when you are standing firm with your feet securely placed
on the Solid Rock of God's own Higher Ground!
Jesus Christ is the Rock of Salvation, the Foundation of Safety -- He's
the Word of God, the Sun of Heaven, the Light of the Universe --
and He's the Only Person Who fully knows both Heaven and Earth --
because (as He has said) He's the Only One Who came down to the Earth from Heaven.
He says that it would be easier for Heaven and Earth to pass away
than for one tiny dot of the Holy Scriptures to not be fulfilled...
Jesus says that (indeed) Heaven and Earth will one day pass away...
but that His words will NEVER pass away!
There are more things in Heaven and Earth
than are dreamt of in your philosophy, O Mortal Man!
Hear the words of Jesus, Who is the Word of God, the Bread of Life,
the True Manna that comes down to you from Heaven!
As for anyone who has ears to hear, let him hear the Truth of Jesus Christ,
Who is the Holy One, the Word of God, the Voice of God!
As for anyone who has eyes to see, let him read the Truth in the Holy Scriptures
of the Christian Bible, which is also God's Own Truth revealed
in a Book written by the Holy Spirit of Almighty God!
Only Jesus Christ, the One True Son of God, has ever seen both Heaven and Earth,
and He came down to Earth to reveal to us Truth that had not been
previously revealed since the Creation of the Universe.
Heaven and Earth will pass away, but His words will never pass away.
Only the awesome Holy Spirit of God can, through Jesus' sacrifice, rescue you
from sin, from death,
from Hell-on-Earth & from Hell-after-Earth! - Christian Gospel Tracts for Believers and Unbelievers!
Serve the Great Savior of the Earth, help people find the Truth,
and win souls for Christ!
The Captain of Our Life-Saving Ark Is None Other Than King Jesus The Christ --
And Yet This Regal Jesus Still Uses A Life-Saving Net . . . And A Big Stick Too. . . To Collect
Many Drowning Humans and To Bring These Gone-Astray Persons Aboard His Lifeboat!
Street Tracts International - taken from a tract in the Truth For Southeast Asia series
(Version1a, September 12, 2007. Copyright 2007 by Roddy Kenneth Street, Jr.)
Here's a surprising fact that you maybe haven't ever realized: Did you know that Jesus still fishes... even though He's the rightful Captain of Spaceship Earth? Right now, He serves humanity as the Wise and Courageous Captain of Ark Jesus, Earth's Only Lifeboat, and He keeps His life-saving net always ready for quick use... even at a mere moment's notice! It's His Rescue Net, and it gets quite a lot of use, because it's essential to His plan for planet Earth.
Jesus is an expert fisherman as well as the trustworthy Captain of His awesome Life-Ship. He fishes for men and women, for human beings of all sorts and of all races. Jesus often fishes struggling human beings out of deadly waters... when they would otherwise perish in a fatal disaster. He nets people and lifts them out of a catastrophe, bringing them to safety aboard a ship I like to call Ark Jesus.
He's quite the Hero of the Greatest Adventure ever reported, and yet He still fishes, even today, even in our modern world. Yes, indeed! He rides quietly in His Ark, always searching for people He can rescue, and He's careful to keep that life-saving net always nearby! He'll jump up at any instant to use it successfully for another rescue. Never running out of emergencies, He always carries a Big Rescue Net aboard His ship.
Jesus was once in human form as a humble carpenter on our planet Earth, but today He is a lot more like a fisherman who is casting out a worldwide net!
If you are a borderline nut-case in need of medical help, you can be glad that Jesus is the One Who is after you with a net, instead of those guys in the white coats, who chase people with another kind of net.
On the other hand, if you are simply a stubborn jackass or a stiff-necked idiot, God may instead surprise you by walking up softly and walloping you in the head with a big stick! Or He may even hit you in the head with a 2" x 4" board, in order to get the jackass finally moving in the right direction. That usually happens only when you are a really sinful unbeliever or what Jesus called "a lazy and worthless servant." You really need to start giving Him your full attention!
I know what you're thinking. Jesus probably learned that little trick with the 2" x 4" board during his early years, back when He was just a humble carpenter in Israel! Maybe so! One thing's for sure: Jesus has used His construction skills to build for us a remarkably strong and sturdy Ark, a Lifeboat that He has created as part of His rescue mission to Earth... and only a very foolish and deceived person would ever fail to seek safety in that Ark.
Here's an explanation and elaboration of our humor, made for everybody, but especially for people in foreign countries who don't quite understand the humor of the above paragraphs!
You may recall that a former US President named Teddy Roosevelt once advised the public that a person should "walk softly and carry a big stick." I think maybe God has a stick too... a rather long one that he uses to wake up people who keep falling asleep every time they listen to a sermon! Sometimes God may have to tap you on the top of your head rather forcefully, just in order to get your attention-- to get you to wake up and see the real world.
And sometimes He may have to extend that staff to you so that He can rescue you from your own foolish error-- when you are drowning in a pit of Earth's quicksand, or when you are about to drown in Earth's deadly waters... in a grave misfortune, or in a sea of catastrophe.
Now, how can I say that Jesus sails quietly with a Big Net, but that He also, at the same time, "walks softly and carries a Big Stick"...? It's like this: Jesus is not only trying to catch a lot of fish-- He is also gathering a lot of sheep, and He's trying to lead these very dumb animals toward the safety of Heaven!
God can take a few fishes (a group of Christian believers) and some bread (the Word of God, the True Manna from Heaven) and with these, through Jesus Christ, He works a great miracle. God takes these few fishes and not only multiplies them but transforms them. The (human) fishes that Jesus seeks to catch are soon transformed into sheep that seek to follow after Him. We follow our Good Shepherd in the path as He leads us. As we do so, amazingly, we start to resemble-- just a little bit-- the wonderful Lamb of God!
But sheep are really stupid animals, and that's why Jesus carries not only a Big Net but a Big Stick.
In fact, the Bible tells us in Zechariah 11:7 that our Good Shepherd carries 2 staves (long wooden rods) very similar to the ones carried by ancient shepherds two thousand years ago. A shepherd then had one staff used to fight off wild animals, and another that was used to guide the sheep carefully through tight spots and difficult places. Zechariah says that our Good Shepherd has one staff named "Beauty" (or "Grace") and another called "Bands." It looks to me like He must use the first staff to fight off devils and dark forces that seek to steal/kill His sheep. The other stick, "Bands," is the one He uses to guide stupid sheep through the difficult places in our lives. That's the one that He uses to hit you on the head occasionally.
It helps you to keep going in the right direction, to stay on the path. It helps Him prod us so that we keep moving in the direction of Heaven, that safe pasture that is waiting for us at the end of our lives.
I'd say that when Jesus is leading a bunch of stupid sheep (often-erring Christians), it's a bit like a human being trying to ride a stubborn jackass. The donkey just doesn't want to go where it's supposed to go... and neither do His stupid sheep. That's where the Big Stick comes in mighty handy.
You see, Jesus expects of us that we help Him catch a lot of fish, whether it's by hook or by rook or by nook! He wants us to become fruitful trees in His Garden. He can use a former crook, or even a former snook... if He can just get you to pay attention! He's always after the big catch-- whether it's a full net, loaded up with a big catch of "153 fishes"... or a giant pen filled with a lot of rescued sheep that were saved from death just in the nick of time... or the many millions of people He can gather in through a system called the World Wide Net.
Jesus fishes with a big net. He knows the right spot to throw a net... just exactly where all the fish are hiding. So should we. You can get an awesome catch that way. You can get a big haul of fish and surprise yourself! You can catch a lot more than you will ever get by quietly sitting with an old fishing pole, by just waiting around for hours with a single fishing line dropped in the water... but, sadly, in the wrong spot. So I guess those of us who are Believers had all better get busy doing as He commanded...
If you've never been caught yet by the Safety Net of Jesus Christ, it's probably because you've been resisting the Truth your whole life long. But Jesus is still extending His staff to you, even now-- a life-saving stick that you really should grab. It's a stick that can rescue you when you are otherwise going to drown in the quicksand catastrophe of life. It's a rod that can correct your erring path and guide you to safety.
It's a rod of correction that will allow you, if you cooperate, to be lifted up and brought to safety aboard Ark Jesus. You will otherwise perish in the stormy seas of earthly life, just like so many other lost children. Take hold of the staff of Jesus Christ. Do it today, and you can be brought to safety in His eternal Life-Ship. With that staff of correction guiding you to the Truth and to His Heaven, you too can become one of the saved. Make Jesus your Shepherd, your Captain, and your King.
Jesus Christ alone deserves such honor and respect... when absolutely no one else does. You don't deserve it, nor do your foolish idols, nor does the Prince of This World. Give all honor and glory to the Holy One only... Jesus Christ, the One to Whom all honor is due.
The great Christian adventurer Robert Cornuke rightly makes this remarkable declaration...
"People are jaundiced in their faith today. Men are not engaged; they're not excited. A lot of men are not going to church anymore... they're falling away from their faith. And I believe that the greatest adventure is not what I do -- going to climb mountains, diving in the sea, looking for Noah's Ark, Mount Sinai, Paul's shipwreck, all the things that I've done. The greatest adventure in this world is opening up the Bible. And adventure begins with belief. The minute you believe you are entering into a new realm of adventure that you will find nowhere else on this planet. And that adventure is God... and the results are the greatest treasure you could possibly imagine... in the Universe."
"Years ago, there was a Flood. And God called the animals and called Noah and his family into that Ark. And when that door on that Ark closed, it sealed all those outside... and they perished. It sealed all those inside... and they survived. You see, there's no spiritual Switzerland-- God calls us to be proactive; He calls us to a decision. He's calling you on the Ark today. It doesn't matter if we find an old beam on a mountain that we say is Noah's Ark... if you don't find the real Ark that's right in front of you. That real Ark is Jesus. That door is open. And God's calling you in. And if you go aboard that Ark-- when your heart stops beating, and that door is closed-- then when you're on that Ark, you're guaranteed eternal salvation and forgiveness of your sins. If you're outside of that Ark, you perish. There's an Ark in Christ, and God's calling you aboard it."
-- Robert Cornuke, August 23, 2007.
The sentences above, quoted from TBN's "Praise The Lord" and its TV program segment of August 23, 2007, were spoken by Robert Cornuke of the B.A.S.E. (Biblical Archaeology Search & Exploration) Institute. "Bob" Cornuke is a Christian explorer and an archaeological treasure-hunter; he is a Noah's Ark Hunter who was formerly a search-partner of the late Col. James B. Irwin. Col. James B. Irwin was also a believer in Christ, a Christian astronaut who walked on the Moon in connection with the Apollo 15 mission... and a driver of the first Moon Jeep. Col. Irwin is already in Heaven now with his Lord and King, having completed a High Flight to the Kingdom of Heaven. There he coninues his adventures in a realm much higher than that of planet Earth.
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